Friday, October 5, 2007

Sunny day in a dogs life

Sunny day with some clouds, but the sun was on my back and it was a great day to be alive. The sun seemed to light up every corner of the garden and the rose buds respond by opening. Such a bright day could mean clear night skies and low night temperatures. A frost might kill off the midges that have been identified as the cause of the blue tongue outbreak in Suffolk. Many of the trees will change colour and hopefully hold on the branches and not fall off yet awhile.

Boss thinks his car will come back tomorrow. He it now looking at doing the engine himself as he reckons its no different to the ones he used to build, just two more cylinders!

Busy weekend ahead as boss will continue to do painting before the weather gets too cold or damp. Remember the shed it should be here in two to three weeks? Wrong it's due to be delivered on Friday. Another weekend taken up with construction work and fitting shelving inside. I will of course assist in any way possible and if all else fails get in the way.

Buster, the bomb dog, has had a busy week at the airport and is always on call. Why any human should wish to take the lives of other seems inconceivable. To do so under some religious reasoning is beyond us dogs. Life is the reason for everything, why have the seasons if not to create more life. We dogs live our lives for the living and being, humans live for doing. Therein lies their problem, if they concentrated more on being then living would require them to be more attuned to each other. All dogs know that they came from just two dogs and then with time adapted to their surrounding environments. Same way humans are all from the same source so instead of killing each other they should become more enlightened and be part of living, not existing.

Enough philosophy for today. I am out to enjoy the sun and see whats to eat and then all this activity will lead to sleep. Be seeing you.

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